Monday, December 30, 2019

High Correlation Between Poverty And Educational Outcomes...

Research shows that there is a high correlation between poverty and educational outcomes. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), there were approximately 20 percent of school-age children who were living in poverty ridden households in 2014 (NCES,2016). The quality of education a student attains is associated with their parent’s educational attainment and household poverty status (NCES,2016). Children who live in poverty during their early childhood years have a higher chance of attaining a lower level of academic performance, creating a readiness gap in schools. The readiness gap begins in kindergarten and extends through elementary and high school, contributing to lower rates of high school completion (NCES,2016). School readiness is defined as â€Å"a measure of how prepared a child is to succeed in school, cognitively, socially and emotionally,† and it separates the disadvantaged children from their more affluent peers (Attendance Works, 2 016). Children as early as 18 months from low-income families who come into school with a readiness gap, experience disadvantages in vocabulary development and begin falling behind in reading, leaving them unable to read at grade level by 3rd grade (Attendance Works, 2016). In an article by Engle and Black, they discuss the impact of poverty on educational outcomes and it states that the association between poverty and academic performance has been documented to begin as early as the second year of life andShow MoreRelatedHow Does Low Socioeconomic Status Affect the Development and Academic Performance of Children?1654 Words   |  7 Pagesand future of learning. With the addition of clinical experiences in various schools and grades, a passion and focus area of mine has been multicultural perspectives, often volunteering at schools where students and their families live below the poverty line. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Character Analysis Of Wonder Woman - 1063 Words

In today’s society, there are many figures to look up to especially those who seem to hold special powers like superheroes. Most superheroes are similar but there’s one that is very different from the rest and her name is Wonder Woman. She fights evil while still being a Woman making her the ultimate hero for any girl to look up to. Although he didn’t picture a woman in his role of a less masculine superman, the idea of Wonder Woman was first created in 1941 by William Moulton Marston. She was used to be seen as a World War II hero and warrior by having the strength and power of a man but the grace and beauty of a woman. Wonder Woman â€Å"fears nothing. She stands for justice, equality, and America.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Although she is a hero it isn’t always easy to do the right thing, since she is still a person she does contain feelings and emotions, making it arduous to separate the honorable choices from her wants. Not everything is as it seems, especially with heroes. Quoting the actress of Wonder Woman an author wrote â€Å"I think the most important thing is that i learned that I didn’t have to do it alone† (Deliee) meaning that life is a very challenging process to go through and for heroes it’s almost as if they have it easy but that’s not the case. Wonder Woman does go through challenges and although she makes it look effortless and uncomplicated, she most certainly struggles at some points. Not only is Wonder Woman an outstanding hero, but she also contributes to the world in other ways. She is a very important role model for specifically young women to look up to because â€Å"it has taken over 75 years for Wonder Woman to be lead in her own live action movie† (brown). She has a certain way of portraying herself to where she is always seen as independent and strong while saving as many people as possible. Wonder Woman stands for the truth and fights crime with all her energy. Carrying her lasso of truth, she is able to detect anyone who lies and keep the world a protected and intact place to live. OneShow MoreRelatedWonder Woman Character Analysis1123 Words   |  5 Pagesbe villains if they do not fall into the love interest role. Wonder Woman flips the paradigm by embodying those values, all the while being titled a hero. Not only do these masculine traits allow Wonder Woman to defy traditional gender norms, there is also a role reversal between her and Steve Trevor. Steve was â€Å"her perfunctory love interest; a token boyfriend whose monthly mishaps gave Marston ample opportunities to depict Wonder Woman as the rescuing hero(ine)† (Stanley, 2005). Steve is a majorRead MoreThe Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe Essay1381 Words   |  6 PagesWhile most of the primary characters in the American Gothic cannon are members of the aristocracy, their societally dominant position does not guarantee them satisfying lives. 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Though we normally associate sonnets with romantic love poems, it is a different scenario with this poem as it is slightly ironic because challenges us by attempting to show the negative effects of love where the woman’s life has been destroyed basically due to the children and how love is no longer present in her life. ‘The woman’ of the poemRead MoreEssay In The Park Analysis948 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom further analysis, the poem is written in a sonnet structure where its 14 lines broken up into two parts of 8 lines and 6 lines with a break in between. Though we normally associate sonnets with romantic love poems, it is a different scenario with this poem as it is slightly ironic because challenges us by attempting to show the negative effects of love where the woman’s life has been destroyed basically due to the children and how love is no longer present in her life. ‘The woman’ of the poem

Saturday, December 14, 2019

SWOT and 4 P’s analysis Free Essays

Fort Jesus is a company incorporated to manage and run Fort Jesus tourist attraction facility in a tourist attraction centre. The company has been in business for over years and it attracts customers from al over the world. The target market of the customers includes historians, holiday makers and other people who want to learn about slave trade and Arab-Portugal war. We will write a custom essay sample on SWOT and 4 P’s analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company has much strength and weaknesses which make the company exist.   Fort Jesus at the time of incorporation was a viable concept in an industry that was growing in all sectors. The target customers want an actively engaged in exploration, learning, discovering, entertaining, and holiday making. Fort Jesus has an advantage as the only company with a vision of exploring history about the Arab and the Portugal war in the coastal towns of Africa. The industry they operate in ha very few competitors and growth has been observed in every company that is operating to the industry. The company has cashed in since it is infancy on the expanding and high growth of market to accumulate huge financial resources that enables them to collect traditional artifacts from various parts of the continent and other continents. The company offers services such as traditional dances including the Brazil samba dance, the Mijikenda dance, the Hindu dance and the Chinese acrobatics. This has assisted the company to move to greater heights in terms of market share. They have also contracted international media companies like CNN to market them as the best museum to visit to get what you cannot get somewhere else. Fort Jesus objectives are to consider what works and what does not work. Through this, they have carried out research about various museums and attractions to museum and discover that the best concept is to bring majority of collections from various parts of the world. The company has employed the best human resources in marketing and customer care who receives customers and markets the services of the company to various groups in various parts of the world. The company also has participated in various trade fairs, marketing, tourism attraction centers including the Chinese 2008 Olympic trade fair which was to market some tourist attraction centers in China. The services of Fort Jesus are well priced to attract customers of various categories. However, the market of the company is segmented into foreign and locals. The company is well positioned in an area that attracts tourists of all walks of life. It is also nearer to a university that specializes in Art and Museum education. It is at the center of an international airport and the second deepest port in the world. The road networks of the area where the museum is situated is well maintained thus any visitor thus any visitor will have no problem of accessing the facility. The company’s biggest challenge is competition from other facilities from similar companies operating in various parts of the world who are also collecting traditional artifacts from various parts of the world to create a niche of products. The growth in the industry is encouraging although there is a pattern that protects some of the artifacts from being accessed. REFERENCES Armstrong G. Kotler P. (2007). Consumer Markets: Influences on consumer behavior, Principles of Marketing. ICMR Case Studies and Management Resources. (2007). Consumer Behavior. Retrieved January 20, 2008 from      Kotler, P. (2005) Principles of Marketing. New York.Melbourne Press Schaik J.L., (2002); The Task of Marketing Management; J.L. van Schaik (Pity) ltd Winer, R.S. (2007). Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.                                           How to cite SWOT and 4 P’s analysis, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ernest Rutherford Essay Example For Students

Ernest Rutherford Essay Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, in Nelson, New Zealand. He was educated at the University of New Zealand and the University of Cambridge. He was a professor of physics at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec from 1989 to 1907. He was also professor at the University of Manchester in England. After 1919 he was professor of experimental physics and director of the Cavendish Lab at the University of Cambridge moreover held a professorship, after 1920, at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London. Rutherford stated that an atom consists largely of empty space, with an electrically positive nucleus in the center and electrically negative electrons orbiting the nucleus. He identified the 3 main components of radiation and named them alpha, beta, and gammy rays. Alpha particles are actually the nuclei of helium atoms. Each alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons, with a charge of 2+ and a mass of 4 atomic mass units. On the average, their speed is about 1/1 0 the speed of the light. Usually they travel only a few centimeters through air. They can be stopped by a single sheet of paper. Alpha particles electrically charge molecules in the air through which they travel. Beta particles consist of streams of electrons traveling at very high speeds, often approaching the speed of light. They have a mass of 0.000 55 atomic mass unit and a charge of 1-. They have a greater power to penetrate than alpha particles but less electrical charge ability. Beta particles can be stopped by a thin sheet of aluminum. Gamma rays are type of electromagnetic radiation. They are similar to X rays but have greater penetrating power than X rays, alpha or beta particles. It takes several centimeters of lead and an even greater thickness of iron to block gamma rays. Gamma rays, like alpha and beta particles, can ionize atoms they strike. His study of radiation led to his formulation of the theory of atomic structure, which was the first to describe the atom as ad ense nucleus about which electrons circulate in orbits. We will write a custom essay on Ernest Rutherford specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now He conducted his most important experiment in nuclear physics when he bombarded nitrogen gas with alpha particles and obtained atoms on oxygen isotope and protons. This transmutation of nitrogen into the oxygen was the first artificially induced nuclear reaction. It inspired he intensive research of later scientists on other nuclear transformations and on the nature and properties on radiation. In his experiment, Rutherford used the setup shown in the next page. As shown in the drawing, Rutheford used a very thin sheet of gold as a target. On one side of the foil was a lead box containing a radioactive particle. A small hole in the box permitted a narrow stream of alpha particles to shoot out. These particles were directed at right angles to the surface of the foil. Surrounding the foil was a screen coated with zinc sulfide. Each time an alpha particles hit this coating, a flash of light, it was possible to see whether the alpha particles that passed through the foil had been deflect ed. Rutherford and the British physicist Fedrick Soddy developed the explanation of radioactivity that scientists accept today. The rutherford, a unit of radioactivity was named in his honor. Royal Society in 1903 and served as president of that institution from 1925 through 1930. His successful experiment led him to be fellow of Royal Society. He awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry. He died in London on October 19, 1937, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He also published many books. He wrote the book Radioactivity in 904 : Radiation from Radioactive Substances in 1930, which he wrote with British physicists Sir James Chadwick and Chales Drummond Ellis, and which has become standard text; and The Newer Alchemy in 1937. His experiment brought new ideas of radiation by identifying three main radioactive particles. A lot of scientist in today studies radioactivity according Rutherfords theory.