Saturday, February 29, 2020

Evidence based descision making masters level Essay

Evidence based descision making masters level - Essay Example The Medline, Embase, Chinahl, British nursing index and the Cochrane controlled trials register databases were searched. Two randomized controlled trials containing raw data were selected for use in the review. Both were underpowered, therefore the data were used to create a meta-analysis. The meta-analysis indicated that sacral neurostimulation is an efficient means of treating refractory urinary incontinence. The study concluded that sacral neuromodulation is an effective and safe treatment for refractory urge incontinence with long lasting effects. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of sacral nerve stimulation for the treatment of refractory urinary urge incontinence and review the current knowledge as well as identify knowledge gaps on the effectiveness of the treatment. The review will focus on research studies that either prove or dispel the effectiveness of the treatment in those with refractory urge incontinence. The review will also elaborate on the discussion based on the critical analysis of the literature and will seek to establish the validity and reliability of the findings from the reviewed studies. The study will culminate in recommendations that could advise and inform nursing practice on novel and innovative clinical approaches in dealing with patients with refractory urge incontinence. Research-based or best practice-based solutions will be highlighted as constant reminders for nursing practitioners and other health professionals dealing with urge incontinence. Involuntary release of urine, which may be caused by physiologic, pharmacologic, pathologic, or psychological factors, is known as urinary incontinence (Ogundele, 2006). The International Continence Society (ICS) defines urinary incontinence "as a condition of involuntary urine loss that is objectively demonstrable and is a social or hygienic problem" (Ogundele, 2006). The lifetime prevalence of UI in all ages has been estimated to be about 6.6% in males and

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Statement on company's activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statement on company's activity - Essay Example The various categories of users mentioned above lead to a real problem in preparing the report. Any annual report is mainly addressed to the members of the board, but also to other shareholders and business partners, to any financial analyst, employees, and, of course, the competition and journalists. This is one of the reasons many managers rather present only the very simplified information, as required by law, and nothing more. Of course, as a downside, companies are oftentimes accused that they use different communication and readability tools in order to draw the attention on the good parts and minimize, on the other hand, the bad ones. Indeed, the thematic structure of a report can be a very important element: it can emphasize some parts while leaving the others partially undeveloped or simply in the shadow. Still, as different categories of users look for different facts, the danger of neglecting some points of view is real. Although many think of the annual report as a financial one, this is only one of the points that need to be addressed in the statement. Among the other points of interest, an annual report should include the company's activities, important issues, challenges, goals, long and short term strategies. These details are important, as they help not only the stockholders, but also the potential customers, to understand the effectiveness of past plans, but also the degree of credibility of other future ones. In fact, this is also helpful for the companies themselves; as a research conducted in UK shows, "those companies which most clearly communicated their strategy and market opportunities in 2006 outperformed the FTSE 100 in the subsequent 12 months". In fact, everybody expects to hear clear stated purposes and achievements, as honesty and straight forwardness are the real guarantees of the company's credibility and success. The importance of the annual report is obvious and undisputable; this is why, in order to be effective, it has to be coherent and credible, highlighting all the important elements of the business. As no company can really exist on today's market without proper planning, the market strategies have to be clearly stated as well. It is only obvious that the way this information is presented to the audience is of a huge importance; even so, different groups of audience are likely to have very different reactions to it. For example, no investor would even take into consideration working with a company that hasn't got its market strategy clearly stated; on the other hand, this information can be used as a weapon against the company itself, by the media or by the concurrence. Even if we leave aside all the exterior dangers, there is, still, an inside major one: that of preparing and presenting this part of the report in an unfavorable or inconsistent manner. A coherent presentation will allo w the investors to understand what is the company really using the money for, but it is also a way of proving the company's abilities to break through on the market. As the annual report reflects the company's success, it is only normal that the managers try to make it look as good as possible. Oftentimes, financial analysts accuse the companies of issuing "too many bland statements", action that makes their annual report

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Relocating a Hamptons Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Relocating a Hamptons Store - Essay Example Early Planning The following discussion evaluates the plans that Hamptons on High Street has to moving to an existing building in order to take advantage of a better location with higher visibility and more space for inventory as it is received, stored, and put out onto the floor. This evaluation will provide context for the ways in which construction issues are addressed, providing charts and potentials for the project in an examination of the management of the build. One of the most important parts of creating a project of the size of refitting a building in order to move the Hamptons store to a better location is fully organising the project and planning for unexpected delays in order to best utilize the time that is available so that contingency plans can mitigate risks. Through an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the plan, the project appears to be an advantage to the store and well planned. 1.1 Ghant Chart The following chart provides for the established schedule f rom the week of February 13, the date the building contractor will have access to the building, to the end of the project. The organisation of the build has been determined by information gathered by Tony Peterson is Technical Co-ordinator for Construction Services in the Store Development Group. The problem with the build schedule is that a great deal is riding on the accomplishment of all of the electric and mechanical within the first week of construction, which does not allow much time for issues that may arise that could delay the project (see Figure 1). A better solution would be to overlap some of the processes so that there is time to make sure the build can be accomplished through a more balanced program. Figure 2 shows a revised chart that can provide for some time allowances for issues as they arise. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Electric    Mechanical    Sprinkler Services    CCTV    Design Features                Ceiling Grid             F looring                Equipment                Doors    Refrigeration    Dressing       Figure 1 Tony’s Estimation of Construction In the revised version, the electric and the mechanical work are given two weeks, the allowance of extra time actually allowing for the probable occasion of problems that might delay the work. Through positioning the CCTV and the Sprinkler Services in the second week, the first week of construction is allowed open for the electric and mechanical, the goal of being prepped for those two installations in the first week providing for appropriate time to anticipate what might go wrong. Equipment and flooring should overlap as some will be placed before the flooring is done, and other would be placed after the flooring is done. In addition, in providing for two additional weeks, design changes as problems arise in relationship to the fact that this is a refit. Although previous planning can avoid most problems, it is likely that some will occur as reworking the existing building progresses. Although the build has been determined through an existing plan this might allow for more risk management where certain more unpredictable concepts are considered. However, budgetary concerns must also be taken into consideration. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Electric       Mechanical       Sprinkler Services    CCTV    Design Features                Ceiling Grid       Flooring                Equipment                Automatic Doors    Refrigera