Saturday, February 1, 2020

Relocating a Hamptons Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Relocating a Hamptons Store - Essay Example Early Planning The following discussion evaluates the plans that Hamptons on High Street has to moving to an existing building in order to take advantage of a better location with higher visibility and more space for inventory as it is received, stored, and put out onto the floor. This evaluation will provide context for the ways in which construction issues are addressed, providing charts and potentials for the project in an examination of the management of the build. One of the most important parts of creating a project of the size of refitting a building in order to move the Hamptons store to a better location is fully organising the project and planning for unexpected delays in order to best utilize the time that is available so that contingency plans can mitigate risks. Through an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the plan, the project appears to be an advantage to the store and well planned. 1.1 Ghant Chart The following chart provides for the established schedule f rom the week of February 13, the date the building contractor will have access to the building, to the end of the project. The organisation of the build has been determined by information gathered by Tony Peterson is Technical Co-ordinator for Construction Services in the Store Development Group. The problem with the build schedule is that a great deal is riding on the accomplishment of all of the electric and mechanical within the first week of construction, which does not allow much time for issues that may arise that could delay the project (see Figure 1). A better solution would be to overlap some of the processes so that there is time to make sure the build can be accomplished through a more balanced program. Figure 2 shows a revised chart that can provide for some time allowances for issues as they arise. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Electric    Mechanical    Sprinkler Services    CCTV    Design Features                Ceiling Grid             F looring                Equipment                Doors    Refrigeration    Dressing       Figure 1 Tony’s Estimation of Construction In the revised version, the electric and the mechanical work are given two weeks, the allowance of extra time actually allowing for the probable occasion of problems that might delay the work. Through positioning the CCTV and the Sprinkler Services in the second week, the first week of construction is allowed open for the electric and mechanical, the goal of being prepped for those two installations in the first week providing for appropriate time to anticipate what might go wrong. Equipment and flooring should overlap as some will be placed before the flooring is done, and other would be placed after the flooring is done. In addition, in providing for two additional weeks, design changes as problems arise in relationship to the fact that this is a refit. Although previous planning can avoid most problems, it is likely that some will occur as reworking the existing building progresses. Although the build has been determined through an existing plan this might allow for more risk management where certain more unpredictable concepts are considered. However, budgetary concerns must also be taken into consideration. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Electric       Mechanical       Sprinkler Services    CCTV    Design Features                Ceiling Grid       Flooring                Equipment                Automatic Doors    Refrigera

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